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Blasting Caps

We manufacture a wide range of robust and reliable electric, nonelectric and electronic initiation systems.

While people often talk about successful blasting solutions as an art and a science, at Dyno Nobel we understand that careful and strategic planning, a high level of experience and expertise, and the ability to choose the highest quality components for the job are important factors. Our blasting experts can help you select the right products and customize a program to help your organization become more profitable.

Electric Initiation Systems

Our Electric Super™ products are the original electric blasting caps proven by generations of blasters

Nonelectric Initiation Systems

NONEL®, the original patented nonelectric detonator brand is today's most widely used detonator and eliminates most electric detonator hazards


Electronic Initiation Systems

Electronic delay timing is much more accurate than pyrotechnic delay timing. Shots fire exactly as designed yeilding the desired blasting results and vibration control

To find out more about our blasting supplies and blasting solutions, contact our customer service team at 800-473-2675.

Contact us to get a free copy of our Explosives Engineers' Guide, or download our free App.