DynoConsult, formed in 1999, is a world class explosives and blast consulting team. DynoConsult uses a wholistic approach to develop technical solutions to assist operations to perform optimally at all levels, generate sustainable downstream processing efficiency, and realize cost savings and productivity gains.
DynoConsult specifically has global experience in both surface and underground projects in metals, nonmetals, coal, and construction. These projects include overall blast optimization, blast vibration reduction, drill to mill studies, instrumentation, root cause analysis, drill and blast process development and performance improvement, and other topics.
The Americas DynoConsult team has operations in the United States, Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, and Chile.
Dyno Nobel Americas Announces Significant, Value-Added Enhancements to DynoConsult.
Rapid Operations Diagnostic
Prorgams include:
Drill Hole Planning & Execution
Detonation Optimization
Explosive Product Selection
Community Relations & Regulatory Support
Stockpile Measurement
Fragmentation Optimization
Software Solutions